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What Does This Mean For Us?

These results are a powerful reminder of the value of Christian education.

Researchers discovered that participation in Christian higher education was a much better indicator that a young adult would continue in their faith. While Christian camps, campus groups, and gap-year discipleship programs all played a role, Christian education was uniquely positioned to change the spiritual outcome for an emerging adult.

For us at Briercrest, the data is clear: We have a strategic role to play in discipling this generation of students.

We believe in the power and necessity of Christian higher education. We believe it is positioned to embrace the needs of emerging adulthood and call students to follow Christ through it.

In spite of its present challenges, our hope is that this generation enter adulthood with a faith that stands as a witness to their peers and beyond. We believe that emerging adulthood is the right time for students to form hard-fought identities and convictions that influence the world—and lead the Church forward.

We asked Briercrest students to share the ways their faith grew as they studied at our college. Their stories stand as examples of the difference that Christian higher education can make in the lives of students.