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Christ-Centred Community

In Renegotiating Faith terms, Ethan’s story is a success story.

Rather than disconnecting from the church when he graduated high school, Ethan left home to begin his education in a Christian community. With the support of godly people at home and at school, he has been able to prioritize his spiritual growth and develop a sense of identity and mission within the Church.

Ethan is passionate about building biblical community. At Briercrest, he has experienced an atmosphere that pushes him towards Christ in both encouragement and correction. Now, he has a calling to help build this community wherever he goes.

Ethan’s regular life on campus has been shaped by experiences that call him into Christ-centred community:

  1. Daily chapels where our student body gathers to study Scripture, worship, and pray
  2. Dorms where students can live in close, daily community with one another
  3. Small class sizes that allow students to engage with their course content, their peers, and their professors
  4. Mentorship structures like student leadership, student development staff, and sports team chaplains
  5. Weekly church involvement where students can connect, serve, and complete internships
  6. Small groups where students get together on a weekly basis for intentional spiritual community and Bible study
  7. Student-led worship nights where students join together weekly in prayer and worship

There is a pressing need for  consistent godly community during emerging adulthood. That’s why everyday life at Briercrest is built on these seven  practices that gather us around Christ. Not only do students benefit from this lifestyle, they also contribute to it. We have found that our close-knit campus is an ideal place to see this happen year after year.