Character Education
What we do:
Grace’s story captures the power of education that calls students to follow Christ in every aspect of their lives—in her words, a ‘character’ education.
One of the major markers of emerging adulthood is a search for identity. At Briercrest, Grace has been encouraged to grow not only as a student, but as a disciple. She has been called to find her identity in Christ and His Church.
While we help our students prepare for their future careers, our highest priority is seeing them develop as followers of Jesus. Their minds, hearts, and souls matter. That’s why we invest deeply in the academic, social, and spiritual lives of emerging adult students.
On our campus, this happens:
Academically in classes that allow for meaningful interaction. Smaller class sizes mean our students get more opportunities to build relationships with one another and with godly professors who teach, pray for, and mentor them regularly.
Socially in rich, community- focused campus life. Students study Scripture in class and practice it in community. From studying and serving to faithfully gathering and having fun, our campus is a place to work out Christian life together.
Spiritually in uncompromising discipleship to Jesus Christ. This affects every aspect of life on campus. At the heart of it all is our passion to call one another to seek the Kingdom—not only to help students stay connected to the Church, but also to see them grow in their faith and be shaped for lives of service.
Who our students will be is of greater eternal value than the job they will get. That’s why our life on campus is structured so that students can have identity- shaping encounters with Christ and His Church. A combination of personal education, rich relationship building, and a shared pursuit of Christ means opportunities for growth and transformation every day.
The result is an environment where students like Grace can form lasting identities in Christ.