Canadian Research Index
Canadian Research Index provides citations and abstracts for federal, provincial, and municipal government documents, documents issued by Canadian government agencies and departments, scientific and technical report literature issued by research institutes and government laboratories, and policy, social, economic, and political reports.
General OneFile
General Onefile is a one-stop database that provides indexing and content for a wide variety of subjects, including the humanities, social sciences, health, science, business, and general interest topics. It is an excellent starting point for finding information on current events and happenings around the world. General Onefile contains 94% of the content formerly available through General Reference Center Gold, including full text access to many popular interest magazines such as Newsweek, Popular Science, and many others.
Novelist Plus
Not sure what to read next? Novelist is designed to help you find a good book (fiction) based on books or authors you already know you like, or topics of interest.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
The online version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica also includes: Britannica Student Encyclopedia, Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, and the Britannica Internet Guide.
Recommended Internet Sources
Internet Public Library
Collections of resources from two internet libraries on a wide variety of topics. Access to online newpapers an magazines.