
Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Complete is the world's most comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database. It contains a wide range of journal articles and other literature across virtually all academic disciplines.

See also

CBCA Education
CBCA provides several databases with Canadian content. The education database indexes 195 periodicals, with many available in full text.

E-books on EbscoHost (formerly NetLibrary)
This collection contains over 150,000 full-length e-books in virtually every academic discipline, with significant representation in history. The database allows for searching within the text of the books as well as title and subject searching.

JSTOR (Archival Journal & Primary Source Collection)
JSTOR provides access to back issues of important journals in the arts and sciences. The library currently has access to JSTORs full archival journal and primary source collection. Subject areas covered include: humanities, social sciences, business, music, natural sciences, psychology, and language.

Literature Resource Center
The Literature Resource Center is a one stop database for material about authors and their works. Included are biographies of authors, overviews of their writing, and critical essays and articles about literature.

Recommended Internet Sources

CELEA Newsletter (Christian English Language Educators Association)
Articles, reviews, responses, interviews, announcements, and news items relating to Christian ESL/EFL teaching.

English Teaching Professional (Contact library for access)
Articles covering practical techniques for teaching, written by leading authors, experts and professionals. Each issue includes reviews of the latest books and products, competitions, practical tips, and advice on personal and professional development.

English Teaching Forum (Magazine)
A publication produced by the US state department for teachers of English outside of North America.

International Journal of Christianity & English Language Teaching
The journal title pretty much sums it up.

Issues in Applied Linguistics
A refereed journal focusing on discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, language analysis, language assessment, language education, language use, and research methodology.

Journal of Academic Language and Learning
A peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing on student transition issues, student experiences with academic writing, student learning (including difficulties and disabilities), interrelation of theory and practice, the use of technology, etc.

Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages
A peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research written from Christian perspectives on the teaching of modern foreign languages or second language and on literature and culture studies germane to the field.