Clipper volleyball welcomes four new faces

Posted: July 5, 2010

The Clipper Men's volleyball team will welcome four new faces and one returning player this fall.

“I am very excited for the group coming in," Coach Nigel Mullan said. "I believe they will provide solid depth in each position which is what we need to take another step forward.”  

Coming to Briercrest will be Carter Reimer, Josh Wendell, Carl Unger, Clinton Siebert, and Blake Proudfoot.

Carter Reimer is coming to Briercrest from Calgary, Alberta. He will setting for Briercrest and has had a solid playing career both on his high school team and for his club team.  

“He plays with a solid confidence in his abilities," Mullan said. "The way he carries himself on the court instills confidence in his teammates. He is smart the way he moves the ball around and I think he’ll do a very nice job running our offence and providing that competition we need.”

Josh Wendell spent his last year of high school in Caronport and will be making the transition to the college this upcoming year. He had a successful high school season with the Cougars winning a silver medal in their city championships.  

“Josh is a competitor and will bring a high level of intensity to our lineup," Mullan said. "He is a very solid blocker and will be able to bring us a spark when we are in need of one.”

Carl Unger is transferring to Briercrest from Capilano University in Vancouver, B.C. to study business.

“Carl is extremely versatile," Mullan said. "He can play a number of positions for us; leftside, rightside, and he has set before as well. So having the ability to have that type of player come in is a huge addition to the program.”

Clinton Siebert will be joining Briercrest from Grande Prairie, Alta.  Clinton has been a part of some great teams in Grande Prairie both with his high school and his club teams.

“He is a big left handed player that is going to be a big presence both offensively and on the block," Mullan said. "His personality is another huge addition to the program. He has the ability to lighten the mood without taking away from the intensity of the group. On the court he is an athlete, and he is going to be able to fill a lot of different roles for us.”

Blake Proudfoot is returning to Briercrest after taking some time off and after being part of some other programs.  Proudfoot will finish up his eligibility with Briercrest this year.

“I am excited when you can add a solid fifth year to your line up," Mullan said. "He’ll be able to contribute in ways that make the guys around him better. His intensity will be another asset for us. He has a desire to get better, and that’s pretty evident in the way he competes."