New VP External Relations at Briercrest College and Seminary excited about the future
Excited to see what the future holds for Briercrest College and Seminary, David Guretzki has eagerly stepped into his new role as VP External Relations.
“I feel like we are on the verge of starting to see that the best is yet to come for Briercrest,” Guretzki said. “As important as all our history has been, I still think there is still so much lying in the future and I feel really quite privileged to be standing in this position.”
As VP External Relations, Guretzki will be responsible for overseeing the alumni, church relations, communications and marketing, development, events and government relations departments.
“I am basically here to ensure a consistent messaging and strategy for all out external connections and do to it with sensitivity to the mission and vision of Briercrest,” he explained.
“I am giving strategic oversight to the different external relations departments. I am working with the managers of each department to think about strategic initiatives and prioritization of what we want to do in each division. It comes back to the overall inform, inspire and equip type of things.”
His assignment is to ensure people hear about Briercrest and make sure they understand the kind of education the school offers.
“We want external relations to be extending the mission of Briercrest, not just simply supporting the mission. It is actually taking our mission and extending it to people who are outside of the classroom,” he said.
“It is about ensuring our ministry doesn’t just fall within the walls of the high school, college and seminary. We need to find practical ways to serve, equip and listen to our constituents. I really believe the heart of external relationships is all about building connections that are mutually beneficial.”
Building these mutually beneficial relationships is something Guretzki is excited to begin.
“I am really excited about the opportunity to listen to what’s going on in churches out in the marketplace. To understand what needs are there and then strategizing how Briercrest can contribute to and meet some of those needs. Envisioning new ways to say, ‘How can we help people be faithful disciples of Jesus in whatever context they find themselves in after Briercrest?’” he explained.
“I am also excited about being able to work at an executive level and national level. I have a vision for a national voice and presence for Briercrest.”