For Seidel combining God and hockey is a dream-come-true

Posted: February 15, 2014

Ricky Seidel has always wanted to play hockey in a Christian environment.

The Briercrest freshman has been extremely excited to play with the Briercrest hockey team this year. The lightening fast winger is currently studying business administration at Briercrest.

“I became a Christian at a Christian hockey camp, and after that happened one of my first thoughts was to play for a Christian school with a competitive hockey program,” Seidel said. “When Dalton, the previous coach of the team, talked to me about Briercrest, my heart was immediately set on coming here. I got offers from other schools but wasn't interested. Combining God and hockey is a dream-come-true by itself.”

Both on and off the ice, Seidel has big goals for his time at Briercrest.

“My goal as a student is to graduate and obtain my business degree,” he said. “As an athlete I want to establish myself in the ACAC and become a respected player in the league. I also want to be a player that the coaches can always count on.”

Seidel’s strengths are rooted in his positive attitude and hard work ethic.

“One of my biggest strengths as a person is my positive attitude on and off the ice; I'm a very sarcastic guy and I usually try to lighten the mood if it gets too serious or something loses its fun side that shouldn't.  Also in the gym and on the ice I think I have a very good work ethic and leadership qualities.”

For Seidel, it is the respect and acceptance that he sees among his teammates which sets Briercrest hockey apart from previous teams he has played for.

“Our team is special because of the kind of love and respect we have for one another. Playing for a Christian team has eliminated some of the main differences that I've had with most of the teams I’ve played on before. I always got along with the guys on those other teams, but I could never be my true self and express the Christian side of me as much as I wanted to.”

It has been through the people that Seidel has met in which the Briercrest experience has been made an enjoyable one.

“My favorite moment of the year would have to be my first moment at Briercrest, meeting Brennan Gasmo one of my teammates and also when I met one of my roommates/teammates Joachim Hanberg for the first time and we instantly got along.”

Seidel hopes to continue to advance in the game he loves whether it is playing pro-hockey or meshing his degree earned at Briercrest with his love for hockey in the future.

“After Briercrest I would like to try and pursue my dream of playing pro-hockey, either in North America or somewhere in Europe, and just see where God leads me. If I'm not meant to play pro I would really love to combine my degree in business with hockey in some way, maybe working for Hockey Ministries or various organizations.”

Briercrest is excited to see what the future holds for Ricky Seidel and wants to wish him the best of luck in the remainder of this season!