Klassen returns from injury to help Briercrest women’s basketball team.

Posted: January 23, 2015

Hannah Klassen #14, returns to Briercrest after taking a year off, to continue her education in general studies. Basketball is the main reason that Klassen has returned, but not the only one. She has a desire to grow in deeper relationship with God, which she aims to do at Briercrest. While attending here, Hannah aims to do her best and when she looks back to know that every book read and assignment completed was to her best ability with the result of attaining a good GPA. Her personal goals for being a part of the team is to help them in the best ways possible in achieving the goals that they have set out. Seeking to be a positive influence for Jesus in the athletic world is another goal she aims for daily.

So far, Hannah has enjoyed her time her at Briercrest and some of her favourite moments have been ice baths with teammate Amy Wanvig where “the fellowship is… unreal”. She has also enjoyed playing basketball alongside her sister, Abby, as it has been a highlight and she loves being able to share in this; Hannah doesn’t think this year would be what it is without Abby.

When asked what is so special about her team Hannah says “We’ve decided to stick together and finish off strong together and encourage each other even after the rough go we’ve had. I’ve never met a group of girls who genuinely care about each other as much as this team does.”

Hannah brings dedication and hard work to the team. She also contributes a positive attitude, loud encouragement, enthusiasm, and a fun outlook on life.

Basketball has been a huge part of Klassen’s life and she has been involved with the sport for many years. The sport has giving her some of the qualities that she finds in her character such as passion determination, and the possibility of loving on a dozen teammates all at once is so exciting.

However, it has been through her deepest struggles that basketball has taught her how much she is desperately in need of Jesus. Hannah’s favourite Bible passage ties in nice to her need of Christ. Psalms 18: 1 “I love you O Lord my strength”. This points out that God is her strength and brings her humility as she asks, “how can a God of the universe love her and choose her and to be her strength?” from that she will forever love Him and is grateful.

After Hannah is finished with school, she would really like to be a high school teacher, backpack through Europe and go on crazy hikes. If there was nothing standing in her way, Hannah would love to create a program that brings the gospel to broken kids, through the use of basketball. It would also provide financial and health care.

We wish Hannah luck with the rest of her season, and God Bless. 

For more info on the Briercrest Basketball teams be sure to "like" Briercrest Basketball on Facebook.