Sawatzky leads Briercrest to 3-Set home game victory
Briercrest’s own Calvin Sawatzky was a powerful proponent and leader who scored the first point of their 3-set home game victory against the Lethbridge Kodiaks.
As the 1st set continued to unfold, Javier Alvarez led Briercrest’s first set victory scoring the next point for Briercrest. This event switched the scoreboard to 2-1 for Briercrest. The Briercrest men’s team continued to lead, bringing their score up to 7-5. But victory wasn’t yet accomplished as the Kodiaks were able to hang right with Briercrest catching up with a score that tied the game 8-8. Despite Briercrest’s loss of advantage, Briercrest managed to pull ahead and re-gain their home-game advantage switching the scoreboard to 15-11. Later on, Mitch Erickson from Briercrest advanced the scoreboard to 17-13; while the Kodiaks tried to regain loss of calibration knowing they were heading towards a potential defeat. Briercrest continued to pull ahead leading the game as Mitch Erickson led the Briercrest men to their 1st set victory with a score of 25-18.
The 2nd set victory was led by Brad Hams of Briercrest. He delivered a short tactful serve, but the Kodiaks refused wise-tactics and sent Briercrest ammunition right back resulting in a loss of point for Briercrest. Not too far in, both teams managed to tie the game at 2-2. But the tie-game score didn’t last long on the scoreboard as Briercrest immediately advanced it by the impressive efforts of Matt Ginter, who took the scoreboard to 6-2, scoring two consecutive points for Briercrest. The two teams seemed evenly matched as both teams skillfully set up a bump-set-spike play system. These plays proved rich in results and both teams continued to execute beautiful textbook plays. Eventually, the Kodiaks skills failed the test of time, as Briercrest continued to advance their way to an almost-even matched victory with a score of 25-22.
The 3rd set resulted in a 3-set game victory for Briercrest, and an unexpected injury. Calvin Sawatzky continued to prove himself a powerful lead-server. He advanced the scoreboard to 1-0 and scored the first point of the 3rd set. Not seconds after, an unexpected injury sent the crowd into a hushed silence as other lead-player, Javier Alvarez, suddenly hit the ground. The crowd cheered in respect as Javier proved his champion-like-character rising up with strong resilience and respectable honor after a hard blow to his arm. The game continued on as Javier left the court. The scoreboard read 6-2 for Briercrest and both teams commenced the implementation of skilled volleyball tactics working hard to overcome the powerful attacks of each team. Both teams battled hard but Briercrest claimed yet another set victory winning the game with a final set score of 25-19, and 3 set victories.
Dalon Hordyk, was the player of the game for Briercrest with a team high 6 digs
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