Why Plant Churches with Daryl Molyneaux and Johnny Thiessen
Why are we planting churches when so many pulpits are vacant and so many churches are closing? In this episode, we talk with Daryl Molyneaux and Johnny Thiessen about planting churches in Canada. We also talk about calling and the uniqueness of the Canadian context. Daryl and Johnny are with SEND Calgary helping to catalyze church plants. For more information or to reach out to them, visit https://www.namb.net/send-network/send-city/calgary/.
In the pre-show, Rob and Geoff are joined by AJ Crocker, Vice President of External Relations at Briercrest. They discuss why the number of people pursuing ministry continues to diminish and what role pastors play in fanning into flame the call to ministry. For more information about the podcast, visit www.churchinthenorth.ca. For questions or inquiries, please email us: podcast@churchinthenorth.ca.