BCS honours Saskatchewan entrepreneur

Posted: April 27, 2009


riercrest College and Seminary has awarded Frank Rempel, owner of Rem Manufacturing, the degree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa.

“Each year, [Briercrest College and Seminary’s] board identifies someone who ‘embodies’ our mission as a learning community, someone who is living a ‘life of service,’ someone who can illustrate how future students can make a contribution with their lives,” said Dr. Dwayne Uglem, Briercrest College and Seminary’s president. “Frank Rempel is a wonderful example of this for 2009.

“He … has helped to create a company that exemplifies integrity, character, and honour,” Uglem continued, referencing a document that is linked to Rem’s vision statement on the company website. Its vision statement is “Succeed so we can serve, grow so we can give.”

Uglem said Rempel’s involvement in several community and global projects contributed to the board’s decision to honour him. Rempel has been involved with Boy’s Brigade, Power to Change (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), Millar College of the Bible’s board, several Canadian Sunday School Mission camps, and several relief and development projects in Africa.

“He has helped to make our world a better place by caring in practical ways for local communities in Saskatchewan, Africa, and beyond,” said Uglem.

Briercrest College and Seminary honours at least one individual each year with an honorary doctorate degree. They give priority to people with a connection to Briercrest College and Seminary who have had a sustained impact in a Canadian context.