Three Hills resident heads home

Posted: May 11, 2010

By Amy Robertson

Brad Penner. Photo by Viktor Karklins.
Brad Penner, a seasoned Albertan, went home to Three Hills to teach theology after nearly four years of graduate school at Briercrest College and Seminary.

Penner began working on his M.A. in Theological Studies just two weeks after graduating from Prairie Bible College in 2006.

He’s excelled throughout his four years here, and graduated with honours April 24, 2010. He was awarded the seminary’s excellence award for theological studies.

Armed with his graduate training, during which he says he’s learned to be a “thinker and a scholar,” Penner will begin a one-year teaching contract at Prairie Bible College this fall. On the side, he’ll also begin yet another graduate program—a Master of Theology—at Regent College in Vancouver.