COVID-19 Update from Briercrest

Briercrest Christian Academy, College, and Seminary is responding to the growing concerns surrounding COVID-19 and the impact this has on our students and staff.
We are taking every precaution to ensure everyone’s safety, including encouraging all our students and staff to follow proper hand/cough hygiene, model social distancing (i.e. no handshakes, hugs, kisses), and to self-monitor after returning from travel or following exposure to a person infected with COVID-19.
This is in line with the directives of the Saskatchewan Health Authority regarding Mass Gatherings and Self-Monitoring.
We have assembled a COVID-19 Response Committee that meets daily in an effort to be as proactive as possible. We are monitoring this situation daily, and will provide updates as they become available on our Briercrest website and social media accounts.
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, as of March 11, the current risk to the general population is low, but it can change rapidly. There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians 65 and over, and those with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions.
Thank you for your patience as we respond to these concerns. We are all in this together.